Your immune system supporting your general health

At this time of planetary-scale upheaval in terms of public health, we thought it would be a good idea to have this month’s article give you simple tools from world leaders in overall health so as to preserve and improve your immunological health.

Here are five principles suggested by Dr. Mark Hyman, Dr. Christiane Northrup and Dr. Deepak Chopra.

Identify what could weaken your energy level and your immune system – Dr. Hyman MD.

A large part of the population tends to look for a miracle pill to address their health problems. In reality, each us must take an active role and this means, more than anything else, identifying what are called “energy thieves” in our daily lives.

Whether it’s poor food choices, alcohol, lack of sleep, overwork, too little or too much physical activity…before doing anything else, we have to identify these thieves and eliminate them or at least, reduce their presence in our daily lives.

Learn to manage your stress – Dr. Chopra MD.

Stress suffered over a prolonged period can be very harmful to our health and our immune response. Start every day with an exercise of gratitude for what you already have in your life. Gratitude is the strongest positive emotion and is often neglected when we are overwhelmed by the day-to-day.

Increase everything that will give you energy in the long term – Dr. Northrup MD

Everything that we allow into our body and brain will have a positive impact (eating good, fresh foods; drinking lots of water; staying active; surrounding ourselves with positive people; etc.) or a negative impact (smoking cigarettes or something else; drinking too much alcohol; eating processed foods; always wanting to add more to our schedule; always needing technology; etc.).

It’s simple: the more you fill up with positive things, the more you attract the positive, and the opposite is true, as well.

Pay attention to the signals your body sends you – Dr. Chopra MD

Your body is equipped with thousands of nerve receptors, there to provide you with constant information. A bit like airplane pilots and their piloting equipment. Pilots use their equipment with great care so as to take their plane to the right airport in perfect safety.

Let’s give ourselves the time to pay attention to our “flying equipment” so we make good choices to get to the right place in excellent health.

Take the time to slow down and stay centred – Dr. Northrup MD

In an era when we often try to be more productive, and we often forget to take the time to simply appreciate the gifts that life gives us, learn to say NO more often than YES, and observe to what extent this has a strong impact over weeks, months and years on your overall health.


To your health! Jessica and Bruno.


From the same authors: Your heart is busier than you are (Click the image below)


Jessica Humphries Bruno Saint-Hilaire108 Posts

Jessica Humphries est entraîneuse certifiée, coach santé et conceptrice de programmes d’entraînement physique en plein air offerts à longueur d’année. Diplômée de l’Université McGill, elle détient un baccalauréat en éducation physique et kinésiologie. - Bruno Saint-Hilaire est un professionnel de la santé qui a fait ses études universitaires en médecine sportive et nutritionnelle et administration des affaires. Ce qui le passionne depuis plus de 20 ans est d'accompagner sa clientèle très variée (enfants, adolescents et adultes) vers l'optimisation de leur santé afin de les aider à vivre au quotidien avec plus d'énergie et de vitalité. / Jessica Humphries is a certified natural trainer in functional fitness, yoga instructor, healthy lifestyle coach and the designer of year-round nature fitness training programs. She graduated from McGill University with a BEd in physical education and kinesiology. - Bruno Saint-Hilaire is a health professional who completed his university studies in sports and nutritional medicine and business administration. For more than 20 years his passion has been to accompany his wide range of clients (children, teens and adults) in the optimization of their health to help them live their daily lives with more energy and vitality.


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