Your July horticultural calendar for a beautiful garden


Your “To Do” list if you want to admire your garden without stressing too much


Irrigation and watering

It’s important to maintain soil humidity at all times. Make sure to water the soil and avoid the leaves, to reduce the spread of leaf diseases. You can also install an automatic irrigation system and even micro-irrigation, which will get the water into your flower pots and other planters. These systems are also very interesting for watering potgrown vegetables, which have a tendency to dry out very rapidly.

If you go away on vacation, the ideal is to ask a neighbour to take care of your plants. What’s more, think of putting your plants in a place where the sunlight is less intense, and/or where rain can reach them. Don’t forget to water them deeply before you leave.


Fertilizing will also maximize the success of your flowers and vegetables. Become informed about the different fertilizers to use depending on the kind of plants. Don’t forget that plants in pots need a weaker solution, applied more often; plants out in the earth need a stronger solution, applied less often.

Pruning spring-flowering plants

Another important point: to maximize the beauty and success of your garden, prune at the right time. In this period of the year, it’s wise to prune your spring-flowering plants. It will promote next year’s flowering and perhaps even a second flowering this year.

Cleaning up faded flowers

Here’s a little secret for having flowers in bloom all summer: pinch off all the withered flowers to maintain constant flowering. Same thing for your perennials and bushes. It will avoid having your plants use their energy uselessly.

These few tips should be enough to give you a beautiful garden in July.


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Geneviève Payette


Geneviève PAYETTE12 Posts

Co-propriétaire & directrice paysagistes chez Northland B.A.A. Co-owner & landscape director at Northland (BBA)


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