Montreal Symphony and Kent Nagano help celebrate Fête de la Musique’s 20th

© Tremblant

Created by celebrated violinist Angèle Dubeau, this grand event has, for two decades, provided a magical soundtrack for Labour Day weekend in Mont-Tremblant and the Tremblant pedestrian village. This 20th birthday event, scheduled for August 30 to September 3, will be marked by the return of the Montreal Symphony Orchestra – the MSO – under Kent Nagano. What follows reflects a meeting with Angèle Dubeau.

“Here we are at the 20-year point, and I am proud to have created this event and to have been able to establish a real connection with the audience, which continues to be so loyal,” says Angèle Dubeau, founder and artistic director of the Fête de la Musique. “People come year after year. The children grow up and become parents themselves. I travel all over the mountain during this weekend, so the opportunities to exchange with the public and meet with them are numerous…and it’s a great pleasure to see them again, year after year.” 

More than 35 free concerts and activities make up the program for this 20th annual Fête de la Musique. The artists invited include, notably, the Montreal Symphony Orchestra (MSO) and Kent Nagano,  Angèle Dubeau and La Pietà, Philippe Sly, Lorraine Desmarais, Édith Butler, Lorraine Klaasen, Robert Charlebois and the group The Lost Fingers.

“The musicians have remained loyal, as well,” adds Angèle Dubeau. “They love coming here. The surroundings here at Tremblant are magnificent, and there are very few stages in the world where the sound of the instruments is echoed by the mountains. The musicians also often bring their children. And the audience loves this closeness to the artists. It creates unique momentums.”

 For the children…

Located in the Place des Voyageurs, the Place de la Famille is one of the new aspects of this musical event. “A place where young people can go and enjoy shows designed just for them,” explains Angèle Dubeau. “In addition to numerous entertainers, the show called La récréation de Mozart and a concert featuring Kattam and his Tam-Tams (tom-toms) will be presented on Saturday and Sunday.

The 20th anniversary show

Usually, on Sunday evening, Angèle Dubeau takes off her festival artistic director hat to take up her bow. This year will be an exception so the festival can welcome Maestro Kent Nagano and the MSO. So on Saturday, September 1, at 8 p.m., on the Quebecor stage in the Place Saint-Bernard, the violinist will celebrate the 20th anniversary of her festival. She will be accompanied by jazz pianist Lorraine Desmarais, singer Robert Charlebois and, of course, the musicians of the ensemble La Pietà

“I wanted my show to look like the festival itself, without borders, without a barrier so as to live the music in a different way,” explains Angèle Dubeau. “I decided to invite friends, people I respect and with whom I feel like playing. I also want to allude to the 20 years that La Pietà has been in existence. I worked with the theme of happy birthday to Mozart, Bach and Schubert,” she explains.

“Lorraine Desmarais is a great friend,” Angèle Dubeau continues.“We have not played together often enough. As far as Robert Charlebois is concerned, I wanted to do something special for him. Robert still has a beautiful voice; it’s impressive; it’s a real hit machine. I told him that I wanted to surround him with strings to immerse him in velvet.”

The 1001 nights of the MSO

Kent Nagano and the MSO in full strength should be a magical evening. As was the case for the festival’s 10th birthday, an enormous stage will be set up in the Place des Voyageurs to accommodate the immense orchestra. Maestro Kent Nagano will provide a voyage to the heart of the enchanting world of A Thousand and One Nights, with the interpretation of the famous symphonic suite Scheherazade by Rimski-Korsakov.

“The MSO is giving us an extraordinary gift. This is a magnificent work with superb violin solos. It’s a strong word, but the audience will be entranced,” Angèle Dubeau concluded.

The full program can be seen on


Guillaume Vincent432 Posts

Rédacteur et journaliste de profession, Guillaume Vincent a fait ses armes au sein de l’agence QMI. Il s’est joint au Tremblant Express en 2014. Promu en 2017, il y assume depuis le rôle de rédacteur en chef et directeur de la publication. / A writer and photojournalist by profession, Guillaume Vincent won his stripes in the QMI agency. He joined Tremblant Express in 2014. Promoted in 2017, he has been editor-in-chief and co-publisher since then.


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