Healthy food shopping simplified!

“If you don’t buy food that is bad for you, you won’t eat food that is bad for you.”  Wise words from Dr. Mehmet Oz, MD.

At the beginning of the summer season, we would like to share with you a recipe from Dr. Oz for making your life easier when it comes to grocery shopping.  Dr. Mehmet Oz is a cardiac surgeon and host of the Dr. Oz TV Show.

First, have a pre-shopping snack, e.g., a handful of nuts and dried fruit or a piece of fresh fruit and cheeseto keep your blood sugar stable and help you make healthier choices.

Shop the perimeter

– Pile on the fruits and veggies:seven servings of colorful veggies and 2-3 pieces of fresh fruit per day, organic when available.

– Hook fatty fish: look for fish high in omega 3 fatty acids and low in contaminants like mercury, such as wild salmon and ocean trout. Consume at least one 4-oz serving a week for maximum benefits.

– Choose lean meats and egg:  if you do not feel like eating fish, go for lean meats like skinless, organic or grain-fed chicken or turkey.

Center aisles

Visit the veggie freezer: better than no veggies at all, they can be cheaper than fresh veggies and still have good nutrients.

Befriend the grain and bean aisle: look for high-fibre, nutrient-rich beans and grains. They help to keep your digestive tract healthy and help you feel full longer.

And finally, nuts and seedswill give you a good amount of essential fat as a snack or in your salads.

An increasingly popular option is to visit local producers to fill our grocery needs. Locally-grown produce has many benefits for our health, our environment and the local economy. Good news: local producers are more and more numerous and accessible!

To your health, Jessica & Bruno.


From the same authors: Healthy summer weight: 6 simple tips (Click the image below)


Jessica Humphries Bruno Saint-Hilaire108 Posts

Jessica Humphries est entraîneuse certifiée, coach santé et conceptrice de programmes d’entraînement physique en plein air offerts à longueur d’année. Diplômée de l’Université McGill, elle détient un baccalauréat en éducation physique et kinésiologie. - Bruno Saint-Hilaire est un professionnel de la santé qui a fait ses études universitaires en médecine sportive et nutritionnelle et administration des affaires. Ce qui le passionne depuis plus de 20 ans est d'accompagner sa clientèle très variée (enfants, adolescents et adultes) vers l'optimisation de leur santé afin de les aider à vivre au quotidien avec plus d'énergie et de vitalité. / Jessica Humphries is a certified natural trainer in functional fitness, yoga instructor, healthy lifestyle coach and the designer of year-round nature fitness training programs. She graduated from McGill University with a BEd in physical education and kinesiology. - Bruno Saint-Hilaire is a health professional who completed his university studies in sports and nutritional medicine and business administration. For more than 20 years his passion has been to accompany his wide range of clients (children, teens and adults) in the optimization of their health to help them live their daily lives with more energy and vitality.


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