Are you ready for the ski and snowboard season?

Beautiful woman working out in autumn park.

It’s already fall, which means ski and snowboard season is approaching…yeah!!  This is a great time to continue…or start preparing the body for a fun and injury free season. It seems every year you get out on the hill and your legs are feeling the burn and you’re quickly reminded of why you should have done some dry land training.

This year could be different, you still have time.  Pre-season sport-specific conditioning is vital for injury prevention, endurance, flexibility, proper breathing, quick reflexes and more fun on the slopes.

Compared to other outdoor activities downhill skiing and snowboarding consist of more rotation and angulation control, which can have more cause of injury. In order to preprare for the winter season I have included my top 3 exercises to make priority before hitting the slopes.

Do a cardiovascular warm-up and some joint rotation. Than perform a circuit with the following 3 exercices:

1) Lateral Side Jumps:

Lateral jumping simulates many movements that are used in skiing. Bending and stretching of the legs with agile lateral movement, including flexing of the ankles, knees and hips

Standing with your feet together, knees bent, and torso upright (like a ski stance) start to jump sideways back and forth . Exercise can also be performed without a jump.

Do 3 sets of 30-60 seconds.

2) Core strength

Plank and side plank: Balancing on your hands and toes in a push-up position, use the strength of your abdominals and glutes to keep your hips raised to shoulder height, taking extra care not to sag in the midsection. For the side plank, shift from a plank position onto one hand, with the other either extended into the air or resting on your hip and your feet stacked. You can perform the exercise on your knees.

Do 3 x 30-60 second holds each.


3) Quadriceps and glute strength:

Squat or jump squat

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively (if available to you). When you land, lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep. Land as quietly as possible, which requires control.

Do 3 sets of 10 reps.

Want more exercises like this?  Send me an e-mail and I will send you a free 30 minute pre-ski and snowboard video;

Jessica Humphries4 Posts

Jessica Humphries est entraîneuse certifiée, coach santé et conceptrice de programmes d’entraînement physique en plein air offerts à longueur d’année. Diplômée de l’Université McGill, elle détient un baccalauréat en éducation physique et kinésiologie et tout récemment elle a complété sa formation professorale de yoga avec Juna Yoga. ÉnerJ FIT offre des programmes d'entrainement fonctionnels en milieu naturel. / Jessica Humphries is a certified natural trainer in functional fitness, yoga instructor 250hr Juna Yoga (Yoga Alliance Certified), healthy lifestyle coach and the designer of year-round nature fitness training programs. She graduated from McGill University with a BEd in physical education and kinesiology. The EnerJ FIT outdoor fitness approach concentrates on improving your natural movement habits all while enjoying the benefits of being in nature.

1 Comment

  • Winston Reply

    October 16, 2019 at 4:44 am

    I’m so ready! I so love skiing and snowboarding!

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