Amazing first person views

Located on a former nine-hole golf course, Planet FPV is is the brainchild of Michel Perrault, both outdoor enthusiast and self-admitted techie. Michel combined those interests to deliver a triathlon of remote controlled fun. This new attraction just fifteen minutes away from Mont-Tremblant provides a unique bird’s-eye view. Across Planet FPV’s beautiful grounds visitors can fly, drive and steer all sorts of cool devices.

While that may sound fun enough Michel has added another innovation. This is where the “FPV” comes in. It stands for ‘first person view’. A camera has been added to each device. Rather than being restricted to ‘line of sight’ action whereby you control movement by direct sight you instead wear a headset that puts you on a drone, behind the wheel, and makes you captain of a boat.

Let’s talk drones. The popularity of these flying machines is undeniable. Yet, some find them dangerous and invasive. Governments including Canada’s are enacting new regulations to deal with their ubiquity. Michel sees where this is all heading. He envisions dedicated drone parks that provide safety, training and controlled spaces.

I had the pleasure of putting on the headgear and experiencing the feeling of flying. It is challenging and exhilarating. Not to mention mesmerizing. That is why you must go through training before you get on a simulator. You learn how to manoeuvre within the line of sight before controlling the drone in first person view. This makes things a lot safer given that drones can reach speeds of 100km/h, flip, rotate, and hover just off the ground.

For those who want to get going right away, they can try a monster truck. Michel’s trucks are nearly two feet in length, conquer the roughest terrain, and can jump over thirty feet in the air. He has cleverly installed the camera at the head of the toy driver so you look through the windshield as you blast around a track and take progressively harder jumps. It is surreally fun.

The same goes for the boats. Planet FPV’s property is adjacent to a meandering river and hosts a small pond. You get your sea legs on the pond then take a boat ride down the river. Eventually Michel will make the route like an amusement park ride adding to the entertainment.

The park’s rates include equipment rental or if you have your own, you pay less. This type of remote controlled fun is gaining in popularity and is being approached with more and more professionalism. In August, 2017, Planet FPV hosted a qualifying event for the Canadian Drone Racing Championship. Next year Michel hopes to host the national championship. In the meantime he would love to host you and your family so check out Planet FPV on Facebook for more information.


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Jeff Swystun


Jeff Swystun48 Posts

Conférencier prolifique et écrivain, Jeff a donné plus de 115 conférences dans 25 pays. L'expertise de Jeff en matière de stratégie d'entreprise, de stratégie de marque et de marketing a mené à l'ouverture de Swystun Communications en 2012. / A prolific speaker and writer, Jeff has appeared at over 115 conferences in over 25 countries. Jeff’s expertise in business strategy, branding and marketing led to the opening of Swystun Communications in 2012. SC is a boutique agency focused on the intersection of business and brand strategy.


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