Supporting your immune system

Supporting our immune system has probably been the most talked about topic over recent months. According to many specialists in the field of preventive and functional medicine, we can make simple lifestyle choices to help prevent and/or reduce our risks of having to deal with a cold, flu, etc. this coming winter.

Here are a few simple tips from Dr. Mark Hyman, specialist in functional and preventive medicine, to help support all our bodies’ functions including the immune system. Drink plenty of fluids, especially warmer fluids such as tea. With the drier air inside and out, fall/winter can be a particularly challenging time to stay hydrated!

Avoid simple sugars as much as possible. This includes those sweet treats and desserts but also refined products, which can suppress your immune system. Add mushrooms, garlic, onions, ginger and lots of spices to your meals; they offer wide-spectrum antimicrobial properties. Eat multiple servings of vegetables high in vitamins C and phytonutrients. Choose more leafy greens, and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower.

Get sufficient quality sleep. We all know that sleep restores and heals the body and is essential for optimal immune function. Get regular exercise. Mild, moderate exercise for approximately 30-45 minutes helps boost the immune system. Avoid overexertion when feeling run down, as it will lower your immune defenses.

Supplement even a healthy diet

Since it is almost impossible to get optimal levels of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants through diet alone, add the following supplements to your daily routine: Multivitamin/Mineral is the foundation for any health support regimen. Vitamin D3 is critical for optimal immune function during fall-winter months. Probiotics will help keep a healthy gut flora, which is a major barrier against pathogens and integral to the immune system. Stay healthy, play outdoors and… enjoy the fall colours!

Jessica et Bruno


By the same authors: How to increase motivation to move forward with your goals (Click the image below)


Jessica Humphries Bruno Saint-Hilaire108 Posts

Jessica Humphries est entraîneuse certifiée, coach santé et conceptrice de programmes d’entraînement physique en plein air offerts à longueur d’année. Diplômée de l’Université McGill, elle détient un baccalauréat en éducation physique et kinésiologie. - Bruno Saint-Hilaire est un professionnel de la santé qui a fait ses études universitaires en médecine sportive et nutritionnelle et administration des affaires. Ce qui le passionne depuis plus de 20 ans est d'accompagner sa clientèle très variée (enfants, adolescents et adultes) vers l'optimisation de leur santé afin de les aider à vivre au quotidien avec plus d'énergie et de vitalité. / Jessica Humphries is a certified natural trainer in functional fitness, yoga instructor, healthy lifestyle coach and the designer of year-round nature fitness training programs. She graduated from McGill University with a BEd in physical education and kinesiology. - Bruno Saint-Hilaire is a health professional who completed his university studies in sports and nutritional medicine and business administration. For more than 20 years his passion has been to accompany his wide range of clients (children, teens and adults) in the optimization of their health to help them live their daily lives with more energy and vitality.


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