Golf is 90% mental and 10% mental

We all know that golf is a game of centimetres, and the most important ones are those between your two ears. Because of this, making good use of your mind means using it to create a positive image. From my perspective, to improve and play golf well you need three types of focus: before, at the very moment, and after “the moment”.

Before the moment

That’s the time between rounds, between holes or just before you hit a stroke. Think of your objective and visualize the way you’re going to achieve it. In doing this, you commit to making a successful stroke. The goal is always the same: to see yourself doing it well and see yourself progressing.

At the very moment

You are guided by your confidence. It is no longer the time to think. It’s the time to act. It’s the time to be on autopilot and be relaxed during the next 15 seconds. It’s the time to appreciate your body’s intelligence, which expresses the memory of a repeated movement.

After the moment

After your stroke, it is extremely important that you protect yourself from an over-critical, even self-destructive attitude. Instead, be accommodating and true to yourself in the way you react. Now is the time to learn from your experience. The stroke has been taken; analyze it later. You’ll be better able to home in and decide what you should improve.

After the round, find the time to remember the overall experience. Look for which models you have to modify and improve. Try to understand your bad strokes and identify your best swings. Go through your game and look for solutions (e.g., time at the gym this winter, indoor courses, new equipment, a new attitude…) and establish a new routine for next year.

Enjoy your golfing!


By the same author: Choosing an environment that suits your abilities (Click the image below)


Pierre Brisebois60 Posts

Enseignant professionnel, top 25 enseignant au Canada selon National Post et Meilleur enseignant régionale en Amérique selon Golf Magazine / Professional teacher, National Post - Top 25 Teachers in Canada, Golf Magazine - Top Regional Teachers in America

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